Not Working!

Hey all,

   I fell off the grid again. I didn’t mean to, but it happened. I did a few workouts, I ate some decent foods, blah, blah. Fact is, life kicked my butt for a few weeks, and it got me distracted.

So I start a new position within my company soon, and on top of that interview process, I also accepted a part-time position on the side. Life got busy. We started a 10-day juice cleanse, and 5 days into it realized it wasn’t sustainable with our grocery budget. LAME. It was a great experience, and I hope to keep juicing on occasion, but 10 days of just juice while still buying groceries for the kids doesn’t work for us. I’ll blog more about that sometime later.

I got sick. That’s temporary. No worries there, I’m at about 90% today. We’re waiting on news today- test results for my wife. Could be a manageable  problem, could be cancer. I love it when docs give you the best/worst like it helps! Say a prayer for us today if you would.

I made some realizations about my plan when I took some time off. 1. Sleep is important. I’m sleeping 5 hours a night and wondering why I’m not making better weight-loss progress. OR, I just can’t get up in the morning, and then I beat myself up for being a slacker. Not working! Time for Loser 2.0. That’s my project this week. Stay tuned.

8 Replies to “Not Working!”

  1. You can do this. Just reboot and start again. You’ve come so far and just need to get your focus back. Praying for endurance.

    1. Thanks! Mostly all lame excuses, which happens from time to time. I just needed to take an HONEST look at my plan and schedule to figure out it wasn’t working!

  2. Josh – Off weeks happen! I had one last week. It’s time to get back in the game and go after it harder than before. You CAN do this!!

  3. Love you guys…strange but I am waiting on test results too, which could go several different ways. Hoping and praying your news is good. Mandy posted earlier that this had been an emotional few weeks at home. Don’t know what’s going on, but will be praying for all of you. Miss you so much and wish we weren’t so far apart!

    1. Love you too! Test results were “good”…in that the bad news was helpful. Combo of mass on thyroid and low numbers means they’re actually going to treat her thyroid after years of “observation”. It’s bad, but good because they’re actually going to try and help. Will be praying for good results for you too!

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